Feliz día de San Valentín!

En primer lugar, hoy si que sí, es el día de los Englishcafe Lovers!! y en un día como hoy, hemos preguntado a algunos de nuestros profesores por su historia de amor o simplemente sobre qué significa el amor (love) para ellos.

Aquí os dejamos las historias de algunos de ellos… podéis adivinar a quién pertenece cada una?

Os damos varias posibilidades:

Jessica, Thomas, Jim y Mike, profesores de Englishcafe Valladolid

Profesores Englishcafe Valladolid (Jessica, Thomas, Jim y Mike)


Esta es la camiseta que cambió la vida de Thomas, profesor de Englishcafe Valladolid

Una camiseta friki puede cambiar tu vida

Para empezar, uno de nuestros profesores nos contó una historia muy friki sobre una camiseta….

Porque una camiseta, de The Big Bang Theory para más datos, consiguió no sólo cambiar la percepción que una persona tenía de otra, sino también, iniciar una relación que ya dura tres años…

I have been with my girlfriend for three years now, which is surprising considering that when she first saw me, she hated me with a passion. In fact, it’s become kind of a hilarious anecdote we often laugh at and enjoy telling our family and friends.

Three years ago, we were both studying German. At the time, she thought I was extremely arrogant, self-centered and a couple of other things that aren’t worth mentioning. All of these impressions were based just on my appearance; apparently I gave off those vibes, not now though (I hope). I, on the other hand, was wondering why this beautiful girl was looking at me with a slightly annoyed look on her face.    

Anyway, it wasn’t until I went to class wearing a t-shirt with the cast of The Big Bang Theory series on it, when she finally decided to look at me directly and talk to me. “Cool t-shirt. Do you like The Big Bang Theory?”, she asked me, hoping to find something we both liked.

“Yeah, I do”, I answered; I was surprised that we actually shared that.

Thanks to a geeky t-shirt, my girlfriend went from hating me, to loving me; well, at least no hating me as much, haha.    

I guess sometimes you’ve just got to be vocal about your likes and dislikes and try to be more confident about who you are because you might have something in common which may be left unknown otherwise. So, if you are a bit shy like I was and find it difficult to say things out loud, wear that geeky t-shirt you love and things might work out for the best.

Si en esta momento te estás planteando hacerte con una camiseta como esa, consíguela aquí.

Amor es mucho más que estar enamorado

Otro de nuestros profesores, que no ha tenido mucha suerte últimamente en el amor, pero aún así, es tan amable de indicarnos cuál es su definición del amor:

For me LOVE is the unconditional affection and love my child offers. Love is the best like this. Children. So inocent. God bless them always.

Muchas más de 500 millas

No sabemos si los Proclaimers hubieran llegado a recorrer los casi 20.000 km que separaban a uno de nuestros profesores de su pareja…. aquí va su historia!

While traveling Europe for months on end I met literally hundreds of people, the ritual of choosing the next destination and booking accommodation was like second nature. Choosing which place to stay had me critiquing each place on it’s attributes and features and reading many user reviews but none ever mentioned that it would be in one of these places that I would have an encounter with a girl which would drastically alter both our lives.

In a hostel in Pisa I had my first conversation with a Spanish girl which has continued for over 4 years, with pauses of course but still on the general topic of getting to know each other.

We have visited 6 countries together and lived in each others homelands which happen to be the exact opposite sides of the globe and things are still going well. We have many milestones to celebrate and although Valentines Day isn’t one of them the 14th of Feb will still be a special day for us as with any relationship with the participants originating from so far away, every day that we wake up together is a reason to celebrate!

A different love…

No necesariamente hay que amar a una persona…

When you’re single and quite bitter about love, the holidays and especially Valentine’s Day are the worst. But there is one thing to fill your life with happiness and joy. I was quite young when I first knew it. I never stopped loving it and keeping it in my life. It never lets me down. Well, maybe sometimes. But what thing doesn’t let you down every now and then? Ice cream, probably. This constant support in my life is always there no matter what. Ready to cure whatever heartache that I am suffering from. When talking to friends just doesn’t help with the pain, it’s there. When I want to hide in my room forever, it’s there. It’s just me and you forever. Just me and pizza against the world. 

Psssst.... sabías que...?

Psssst…. sabías que…?

Sabrías decirnos a quién de nuestros profesores pertenece cada historia?

Si quieres saber más sobre cada uno de ellos, apúntate a nuestras clases y conóceles en persona!

Finalmente, se dice, se cuenta, se rumorea, que entre algunos de nuestros alumnos podría haber surgido el amor…. serán ellos los auténticos Englishcafe Lovers??

Porqué no nos cuentas cuál es tu historia de amor?

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